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Analysis of the Day: European Commission: Young Romanians, the most determined to vote. They are also the most socially active, sign petitions and go to rallies


According to a survey conducted by the European Commission, young Romanians are the most determined to vote. Nearly three-quarters of them state that they will cast their ballots for the first time on June 9th. Moreover, Romanian youth actively engage in social activities: signing petitions, participating in protests, and being among the most active in Europe when it comes to driving societal change . This determination and involvement demonstrate their desire to make a difference in the political arena and contribute to meaningful change. Romania ranks first in the European Union in terms of young people’s intention to vote in the European Parliament elections, with 78% of young voters declaring their participation. The European average is 64%, and after Romanian youth, those from Portugal have a 77% voting intention. Additionally, 57% of Romanian youth have participated in social activities in the past year, such as writing letters to politicians, attending protests, or signing petitions, surpassing the community average of 48%. It is encouraging to see such active engagement from young people, and the 2024 European Parliament elections will be an important opportunity for them to express their opinions and contribute to the future of the European Union.

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