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Analysis of the Day: One in five Romanians did not go on vacation in 2023, especially those over the age of 65

Key Findings:

  • Slight Increase in Vacations: More Romanians vacationed in 2023 (80%) compared to 2022 (77%).

  • Shorter Vacations Preferred: Travelers opted for shorter trips (1-3 nights) over longer stays.

  • Nature & City Breaks Lead: Nature activities remained popular (42%), followed by beach vacations (32%). City breaks saw the biggest growth.

  • Domestic Satisfaction High: Romanians enjoyed domestic vacations (60% would recommend) but felt value for money decreased (48% satisfied in 2023 vs 53% in 2022).


  • Domestic tourism in Romania is growing, with a shift towards shorter vacations.

  • Nature and city break destinations are gaining traction.


  • Growth Potential: The industry can capitalize on rising domestic tourism.

  • Catering to Preferences: Businesses can adapt by offering flexible packages, promoting weekend getaways, and highlighting urban experiences.

  • Focus on Sustainability: Promote eco-tourism and sustainable practices to cater to nature enthusiasts.

  • Addressing Value Concerns:  Improve quality or offer better deals to combat decreased price satisfaction.

  • Competition Management: Local authorities need to manage popular destinations effectively to avoid strain on resources.

  • Infrastructure Investment: Increased interest in city breaks might necessitate improved urban infrastructure and facilities.

  • Marketing Shift: Tourism businesses might need to adapt marketing strategies for shorter vacations and city breaks.

Overall, the Romanian domestic tourism industry is dynamic. Understanding preferences and addressing value concerns can unlock growth while ensuring the long-term viability of Romanian tourist destinations.

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