Key Points:
Demand for older apartments for rent has surged: Searches for apartments built before 1977 increased by 98% between November 2023 and April 2024, compared to the previous six months.
Despite high demand for rentals, Romanians are still hesitant to buy older apartments: Only 2% of total apartment searches in the last six months were for pre-1977 units.
For purchases, newer apartments are more popular: Apartments built between 1977 and 1990 saw the highest search growth (67%) in the same period, followed by those built between 2001 and 2020 (41%).
Most sought-after apartments for sale: In the last six months, 46% of searches were for apartments built between 1977 and 1990, followed by 26% for those built between 2001 and 2020.
Most sought-after apartments for rent: In the last six months, 46% of rental searches were for apartments built between 2001 and 2020, followed by 29% for those built between 1991 and 2000.
Price, number of rooms, and minimum area are top filters for both sales and rentals: Other popular filters for sales include the floor level, year of construction, maximum area, property type, and maximum year of construction. For rentals, additional popular filters include minimum price, maximum area, description search, and year of construction.
Apartment size preferences: For both sales and rentals, two- and three-bedroom apartments are the most popular, indicating a preference for medium-sized living spaces suitable for small families or couples.
Garsonieres (studio apartments) are losing popularity: Searches for garsoniere have seen the lowest growth in both sales and rentals.
Romania has the lowest average number of rooms per person in the EU: According to Eurostat, in 2022, Romania had an average of 1.1 rooms per person, tied with Poland for the lowest in the EU.
Additional Notes:
The study analyzed data from an online real estate platform.
The findings suggest that Romanians are increasingly prioritizing newer apartments with more space, both for purchase and rent.
This shift in preferences could be driven by factors such as rising living standards, changing family structures, and a desire for more modern amenities