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Study of the Day: Impact of the Pandemic on Entrepreneurial Intention in Romania


The article was published in the scientific journal Eastern European Economics of the Taylor&Francis publishing house, which has a remarkable international reputation and publishes scientific articles that provide innovative research results and directions for both the academic and business communities.

Global economic prospects have changed dramatically in recent years

The study was conducted in a context in which global economic prospects have changed dramatically in recent years and, as a result, both academic researchers and policymakers around the world are focusing their efforts on identifying the most appropriate market stabilization mechanisms.

The research has generated numerous innovative solutions, but there is no doubt that the specialized literature accepts the entrepreneurial component as a key element when considering technological progress, value creation or productivity growth, both nationally and regionally or internationally.

Entrepreneurship, an important role in counteracting the adverse effects of external shocks

The increased interdependence between the world's economies further strengthens the role that entrepreneurship plays in counteracting the adverse effects of external shocks, such as those caused by the recent Covid-19 pandemic.

The restrictions imposed in many countries during the critical moments of this pandemic have had negative effects on the functioning mechanisms of the economy, especially on the business environment, forcing entrepreneurs to reconsider their strategies to ensure the continuity of their activity.

What determines individuals to choose an entrepreneurial career?

The main objective of this research is to offer a detailed and multi-dimensional analysis of the main determinants of entrepreneurial intention in a global context disrupted by the Covid-19 pandemic. At present, there are no standardized models for identifying the factors that influence individuals' decision to choose an entrepreneurial career. Thus, it is imperative to find answers, in a context where entrepreneurship is perceived as a precondition for economic recovery.

The results obtained from this study consolidate the fundamental role of factors such as attitude, desirability, feasibility, perceived self-efficacy and collective efficacy on entrepreneurial intention.

Recommendations for academia and government

The recommendations formulated as a result of the study are aimed at both the academic and governmental environments.

Thus, the academic environment must:

  • formulate and convey more clearly the message about the benefits of entrepreneurship

  • focus on building an entrepreneurial mindset among students

  • identify individuals with skills in this direction and support them in developing new businesses.

From a managerial perspective, this aspect translates into the design and implementation of staff training programs, aimed at preparing teachers and signaling to them the importance of incorporating these aspects into educational discourses and practices.

From a governmental perspective, the implications of this study highlight the role of national governments in the need to formulate sound and efficient measures to support existing businesses (especially small and medium-sized ones) and to ensure their survival, through legislative and fiscal support.

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