Summary of eToro Retail Investor Portfolio Analysis
Key Findings:
Financial services is the most popular sector among retail investors (61%), followed by technology (40%) and energy (35%).
Cash is the most widely held asset (69%), followed by local stocks (49%) and local bonds (34%).
Cryptocurrencies are seen as the biggest investment opportunity (15%), followed by cash (14%) and local stocks (13%).
Intention to invest in cryptocurrencies is highest (24%), followed by cash (13%), local stocks (12%), and foreign stocks and currencies (10%).
Investors are seeking diversification across sectors and asset classes.
There is a growing interest in alternative assets like cryptocurrencies.
Investors are looking for opportunities in both local and international markets.
Additional Notes:
The study surveyed 10,000 retail investors from 12 countries, including Romania.
The findings are based on self-reported data and may not reflect actual investment behavior.
The report was published in June 2024.
Target Audience:
Retail investors
Financial advisors
Asset managers
Overall, the eToro Retail Investor Portfolio Analysis provides valuable insights into the investment preferences and behaviors of retail investors. The findings can be used to inform investment decisions, develop marketing strategies, and create new products and services.